Friday, January 4, 2013

Sick as a dog

I haven't been posting anything in a while, because our whole family got really sick with influenza right before Christmas and it's been brutal. We actually took Finn to the hospital Christmas Eve, not at all how we intended to spend Christmas Eve, because he was sleeping 14+ hours and was so lethargic. I just knew in my gut that he wasn't quite right. We were called in and saw a doctor ahead of anyone else and he was swabbed for influenza. Luckily he peaked at the hospital, so I had nurses there to tell me that he was okay, just a sick little guy. He was monitored for a few hours and then we went home just before Santa came. Gage got it really bad too, coughing so hard he would throw up. Poor guy. It's so hard as a parent watching your children sick. You feel so helpless.

My dad always says that as much as having a sick kid sucks, it's nice how they become so snuggly. That may be true for some kids, but not Gage! He becomes sooo ridiculously whiny! He just whines non-stop about how he wants a million things. "I want sandwiches", "I want juice", "I want kleenex", "wipe my nose" and then he would just grunt. Like a caveman. He USED to be so polite and say "May I please have..." but not anymore!

Stu also at an attempt to occupy a sick little boy, gave Gage his iphone to play games. Now we literally have to pry it out of his sweaty little hands. I wasn't around the first time this happened, or else I would have smacked my husband and taken the phone away from BOTH of them. Ugh!

Getting back into a routine once Stu goes back to work after holidays are done will be really hard.

I've been spending a lot of time researching homeschooling and coming up with a plan on how to do it with Gage. It's been a fun journey so far! I'm really looking forward to it. Sometimes I worry that I might screw something up, but I think as long as I set rules for myself, for example reminding myself constantly to be patient, I will be more then fine. Gage is so smart, we've been doing workbooks for a few months now, just numbers and letters and some math, and he catches on so fast. I'm excited to be a part of this journey with him!

Just like when I tell people we are veggie, I'm expecting some skepticism from people when we tell family and friends that we will be homeschooling. Should be interesting. I'll have to come up with some tongue and cheek responses!

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