Thursday, March 22, 2012

Grumpy Bear

With all the warm weather lately, we've been spending so much time outside. It's been so nice to get some nice fresh air and get some sun!

Lately Gage has been super busy playing all day outside that by dinner time he's so tired he falls asleep before we can get dinner into him. He sleeps for almost 2 hours (not bad for a 2 year old!) and then he wakes up so miserable! Even food doesn't cheer him up! I'm starting to wonder if maybe he's starting to get his 2 year old molars, that's the only explanation! Or he's just sensitive to the sun like his momma. Poor guy.

I thought I was starting to feel better because I had a few days there where I could get up and actually managed to clean a bit here and there, but it seems that the more I do when I feel good, the more I pay for it the next day. I'm 12 weeks as of today, so I'm really hoping this feeling starts to fade soon!

I realized this morning that I'm really starting to get into the really irritable phase of pregnancy, I'm barely able to control my temper over the tiniest things these days! I'm so glad Stu is off work still (trying to keep a positive spin on things as much as I can!) because if it weren't for him helping out so much, I'd have one hungry and dirty toddler. Never mind the state of my house!

I'm hoping with the nice weather coming soon (supposed to get cool again, but hopefully no more snow!) that we can start painting the rest of the house. Kitchen to start then I can finally get a start on my family room! Later on it'll be the nursery and then hopefully my master bathroom can get done before the heat hits too!

It's been kind of boring lately, so there isn't too much to blog about.

(That isn't entirely true, I'm just far too emotionally tired to dive into it on here right now)

Maybe I'll save being dramatic for another day, for once!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"Beyonce had a baby?"

What drives me nuts about celebrities having all these kids, is that they create the most unrealistic image for us "normal", non-famous women!

I just saw on TMZ that Beyonce was spotted out for dinner 10 weeks after giving birth to her baby girl and she looks ridiculously good. I'm sure she's wearing a really good pair of Spanx or something, but I feel like it still makes all those other mom's out there that had babies 10 weeks ago cringe!

I know there's a lot of controversy out there about how Beyonce never even gave birth etc, but if she didn't, what's wrong with announcing that she used a surrogate? Is there shame in that? Or that they adopted? I feel like it gives a lot of people in the position of having used or who are using a surrogate or adopting a reason to feel shame. And that's so unbelieveably wrong.

....I feel completely distracted this morning because I've been doing lots of reading about a recent recall in the beef industry. It makes me shake my head, because if the meat industry had better regulations, this wouldn't happen to begin with. What is really gross, is that a lot of people don't know what e.coli really means and where it comes from.

It's in poo. And that poo is sitting on your meat. I believe chicken is usually the worst offender for this, and it all is there because of the processing done after the animal is killed. It's all gross business, and definitely not for the faint of heart. My husband chose to become a veggie after reading about the processing done to the animal after slaughter, because despite being an animal lover, the slaughter process itself was not what put him over the edge.

I find that I have to defend myself a lot when it comes to the issues of being a veggie or not. It makes me really sad that is the case. I don't feel like I'm preaching, or calling people stupid and uneducated, it's just simply that our habits have been passed down from generations and that a majority of us all grew up with the "norm" of eating meat. I was raised eating meat, and my parents both still eat meat. I still find myself defending our diet choices to the older generations in my family, the ones who have grown up being told that your diet isn't complete without eating meat. But the fact of the matter is, times have changed dramatically. There is a ridiculous amount of proof now that exists (from reliable sources) that indicate NOT eating meat is healthier. There are no health risks to not eating meat. In fact, it's been actually proven that by cutting meat out of your diet dramatically reduces risks of obesity, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease, allergies and even right down to the common cold/flu. Meat is a huge contributing factor to all those diseases. Not to mention that my son is hitting goals faster then most average 2 year olds and is extremely healthy and happy. My doctor is more then impressed by his eating habits and his learning ability. I think what I have the hardest time with, is that even with all the evidence that exists disproving meat from the average diet, people still choose to ignore the statistics. People still choose to take their children to McDonald's and Burger King for dinner instead of making them a home cooked meal. Or even just taking them to a better fast food option. What's worse, is that businesses like McDonald's started the "Backstage Mom's" program to make parents feel better about feeding their kids crap. If you go on their website and look up the "Nutritional Facts" that they publically post, nothing has changed. It's still crap.

Here, I'll even post the link to McDonald's nutritional facts! (Oh, and no one can use the "but that's in the States, it's better here in Canada" excuse because this website is Canadian) click on Nutrition Facts or Ingredient Facts for information.

This site is by one of my favourite people. Kathy Freston was first introduced to me by her appearance on Oprah and she is a New York Times bestselling author of many acclaimed books that are backed by doctors worldwide. She posts facts and sources in her books for people to further their education. She also has a new book out that I'm dying to read.

I think anyone that doesn't even know me can tell that I'm really passionate about this subject. I don't strive to change the world into vegetarian's or vegan's, I just want to raise awareness to something that is a huge factor in our everyday lives. Far too many people just don't pay attention and that's why the obesity and heart disease rate across North America is so ridiculously high. I don't want my son and his generation to be unhealthy, I'd like to teach our children healthy lifestyle and eating habits.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Fool me once....

I was a little hesitant at first to post about this particular subject because I don't want to air any "dirty laundry" and make things any worse then they already are. But I do find blogging to be somewhat therapeutic and I think sometimes you just need to write things out.

I have a particular friend that I've had for a really long time. We grew up together and I went through a lot of those "teenage milestones" with this friend. We share the same love for horses (and animals in general) and I have a lot of good memories with this person. Recently, I've been let down a lot by this friend. We had a falling out, which we could both just call a bad day where we shouldn't have talked and we went a while without speaking. Months later, she reached out and contacted me again. She apologized for being a bad friend and swore she wouldn't be like that again. I forgave her and we tried to just be the same as we always were. A lot of my other friends, and family, disagreed with me forgiving her. By "a lot", I mean everyone I know. My husband said "it'll just happen again". I brushed them all off, because I try to give people the benefit of the doubt.

Now, a few months later, I find myself in a similar situation. I feel as though I'm a really good friend to her. Whenever she has a bad day or "boy issues" I'm her sounding board. I do my best to pick up the pieces and make her day better. She leads a busy life, and is really career driven. I get all that. Whenever she plans a visit (I never ask her, because of her schedule) she tells me the time she'll stop by (or we'll plan to go to the barn together) and I'll wake up that day excited to get out of the house and talk to my friend.

In the last 2 weeks she's forgotten our plans 3 times. The last time was yesterday, she was supposed to stop by for a tea late afternoon and I never heard from her.

I've long since stopped texting/calling and asking "did you forget about me?" because I know she'll just go "oh shit!" and make an excuse and reschedule only to forget again. If she even answers her phone or responds to my text in the first place.

I'm a really blunt person and I never sugar coat anything. It's gotten me into trouble previously with friends, and all my closest friends know that when they ask me for an opinion, they are going to get my FULL opinion. If this was any other friend, I would be the first to throw my hands in the air and say "forget it then". For some reason, I'm incapable of doing that with this friend. She's my oldest friend and I always thought she would make the time for me. It hurts me more then I can say that she's obviously not making her "best friend" a priority. If I mention any of this to her, or if she were to ever read this post, I know she'd immediately become defensive. She'd find some excuse or say I'm not being "understanding" enough. I don't think this time around she can blame me for being too blunt or not understanding enough. I've tried to be a good friend.

I have some really great friends in my life that are there for me when I need them. I think if this friend in particular were no longer my friend, I wouldn't miss out on much. It makes me sad, but she doesn't bring anything to the table that I'm not getting anywhere else. In fact, she's probably one of the last people I'd go to if I needed a friend.

I think the next time I get a text or message asking if I'm up for a tea or visit on a day next week, I'll just simply say that I already have plans. It seems to be the best thing I can do to avoid disappointment.

....On another note, I'm wearing maternity pants today! It's been really hot lately for March. Today is 21C outside! I've been sticking to my typical yoga pants lately just because they are comfy and I've felt so sick lately. But with the heat, I needed shorts or capris and the only capris I have that fit me are maternity! I think I'll need to go to Old Navy soon to see what tank tops I can find, all the ones I wear normally are getting a little short. It's strange to be showing so early, with Gage I didn't show until I was almost 6 months along. Yikes!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Make Him Famous

It's been a little bit since the phenomenon started, but I still feel passionate enough about the issue to post it on my blog. The organization called Invisible Children released a 30 minute video a few weeks ago called "Kony 2012".

Usually I'm not a big supporter of what anyone would consider the "normal" charities. I'm an animal lover, and I find that I love animals far more then I even just "like" people. Therefore, I generally support animal based charities. My husband and I aren't rolling in money, nor are we barely comfortable, so while we wish we could donate more to a good cause, we can only afford so much.

After watching the Kony 2012 video, I was blown away by how well done it was. It made it's point, directly, and attracted so much attention to a wonderful cause. It's so sad to me how long this has gone on and hardly anyone has known or done anything about it. My grandma has been a huge supporter of the Stephen Lewis foundation for years, and feels so strongly about the horrible treatment of women in the Congo. I think this particular cause (Kony 2012) affected me so much because it's about children. I'm a mother of a 2 year old and pregnant, so this touched home for me, and I immediately felt like I needed to and COULD do something.

I've been raised to believe that education and knowledge is power. As a result, I don't support a cause without educating myself on both sides to the cause. Once I've seen both arguments, I then make an informed decision. While there is still a lot I don't know, mostly because what has been going on in Uganda is just a very small part of what has been going on for more then 26 years, I feel like I made an informed decision. There has been a lot of criticism about Invisible Children, and a lot of negative people tried very hard to convince me why it was a BAD thing to support this cause. When it comes to the criticism directly aimed at Invisible Children, I think credit is due where it's been earned. The organization itself has responded to every piece of criticism issued. That NEVER happens. The founders of Invisible Children did media runs all over the country and answered as many questions as they possibly could. I truly believe that they are in this for all the right reasons.

The rest of the argument, that isn't directly related to the organization itself, states that by bringing all this attention to the cause, and to Joseph Kony himself, means that he could retaliate in a violent act or acts that would top anything he's done yet in 26 years. That this movement could create more violence that none of us are prepared for. I personally don't think this is the case. The point of this movement is to bring a peaceful resolution, not go in with guns blazing (which can't happen anyway!). We can only hope that Kony will have heard of this movement and become scared of the consequences and just surrender. No one in this campaign is promoting an end to this in a violent manner. I don't understand what the people behind this want, because the fear of violence shouldn't be what makes us go "oh, ok. Then I guess we'll just let him continue and back off". If the intent of this point is to just make us aware of how there could possibly be more violence as a direct result of this campaign then ok, I get it. Consider me warned. Now I'm going to continue on my way supporting the cause.

For those that have a smartphone or an iPhone, download the LRA Crisis Tracker app (it's free) so you can stay up to date on everything that happens in realtime. This here in itself is proof that Kony is still out there and is still active. This month (so far) there have been 3 civilian deaths and 43 abductions.

I strongly believe that WE, as a society, can put a stop to this monster. This movement started with teens in schools across the United States and even before this video was released to the rest of the world, accomplished so much. The real test now will be who continues to fight for this cause long after it becomes "cool". My husband and I are hosting an event in our city April 20th at sundown to "Cover The Night". We'll be putting up posters for "Kony 2012" so that everyone knows who he is.

For those that have yet to watch the video, or who have and need the info for how to download printable posters or even if you want to buy an Action Kit, go to or even

Before making any decisions, do some reading. Look up the history of the LRA and Joseph Kony. Make an informed decision after doing all that you can to educate yourself.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sell my soul?

Morning sickness sucks. This is actually the earliest I've been able to function in a LONG time. It seems that it gets worse over time, not better. I'm still hoping that in just under 2 weeks when my first trimester is up, that I just all of a sudden feel 100%. I'm at the point where I'd be willing to sell my soul to never throw up again.

It doesn't help that my house was previously painted what I like to call "burnt puke" before we moved in. We managed to paint the bedrooms and the front/dining room as we moved in, but we still have to do the hallways, closets, bathrooms and kitchen. The colour is so gross. It doesn't take much to set me off these days (paint colours?) but I'm so lucky that I have such a wonderful husband who is more then willing to step up to the plate. He's been getting up with Gage on the mornings I'm having a hard time (so, most mornings), cleaning, cooking, feeding our animals, EVERYTHING. I'm so lucky. I have friends who can hardly step out of the house for longer then 5 minutes before their husbands are overwhelmed by their children. I'm glad that's not a problem in my household!

Burnt puke----->

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I'm a stay at home mom with a 2 year old little boy, Gage, and I'm pregnant with baby #2 due October 3rd. My husband and I love animals and have rescued each of our animals from shelters or foster homes. I've owned my horse for 8 years and I consider him my "first born" child.

My husband and I are raising our son as a vegetarian and we have such a good little eater on our hands! I started as a veggie many years ago, and when I met my husband he ate meat. When we became pregnant with Gage, we were faced with the decision of how he should be raised- to eat meat like the "norm" in society, or to go with the option of being a vegetarian like his mom. Both Stuart and I are big readers, so we began reading whatever we could get our hands on about raising a vegetarian child and spoke to our doctor and nutritionist. We came to the conclusion that it could be done, easily, and that it was the best option for us. Stuart gave up meat (willingly, without a fight or my asking him) and we've never looked back! Hopefully we can meet some families doing the same as us, I know they are out there! We're big believers that knowledge is power, and we never make decisions without looking at both sides of any argument first. We never thought we'd have such a difficult time defending WHY we decided to raise Gage veggie. Mostly we encountered issues with the older generations of our families. Luckily, they all can easily see what a healthy boy our son is and how he'll literally eat anything you put in front of him. We aren't vegan, but we do what we can with our favourite meals, when we can. I find that the city we live in makes it difficult to be a vegan, and expensive.

Gage is growing so fast! I know I'll look back on this entry later on and remember how little he was at this time but I'm just so excited about all the little things he learns every day. He's stringing together sentences, and he picks up little sayings (good and bad) from those around him. He's a funny little guy, and sometimes he's just so weird! Today Stuart and I went grocery shopping, and my dad came to pick us up from the store to bring us home and to have a visit with Gage. The first thing he said was "Holy Crap!" at all the groceries we had... not a second later Gage repeated with "Holy Crap!". Way to go Bop!

As I mentioned earlier, I'm pregnant with baby #2 (10 weeks along). When I was pregnant with Gage, I had HORRIBLE morning sickness. I was throwing up for 9 months straight, and even had fainting spells. I swore off babies after all that. Then I started thinking "well, everyone says every pregnancy is different, so if we had another baby, I'd probably not be sick at all!".... boy was I wrong! So far, it's been the exact same as my first pregnancy. I can hardly keep anything down, even after being prescribed the "morning sickness pill" (diclectin). I lost 10 pounds within 2 weeks. With Gage, I only gained 12 pounds throughout the whole pregnancy (a lot of woman get jealous when hearing that, but I swear it was NOT COOL... I would have rathered gained 50 pounds!) and everyone was expecting Gage to be this tiny little baby. Then he was born 9 pounds, 1 oz. Not exactly small.

This time around, after a mediocre experience in the hospital, we have decided to go with a midwife and do a home birth. I'm hoping to be able to do a waterbirth, in a birthing tub. I've done so much research and compared all the pros and cons and it's so exciting! I hated being somewhere that wasn't my own bed after I gave birth to Gage, in a ward full of woman overnight etc. This time around, I can't wait to get up, shower (wash my hair!), get into warm comfy pj's and crawl into bed with my new bundle of joy. It makes me so happy to think of that, compared to before! I watched the movie made in part by Ricki Lake (everyone remembers her, right?!) called "The Business of Being Born" and I highly recommend it to all my friends.

If anyone has any tricks on how to get rid of this morning sickness, I'm BEGGING them to PLEASE share. I'm desperate and will try anything. I'm so sick of being sick!

When I sat down to start this I thought to myself "hmmm I hope I can think of something to write about...".... ummm.... yup! No problems there! I feel like blogging is a bit of a therapy, and a break from talking "toddler talk" all day long!

Will post again soon! :)