Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It's been a while!

It's been a while since my last post... I feel guilty!

I've been so sick. It seems all I can do is lie down and sleep all day. I don't remember feeling this bad with Gage, and I was sick the entire 9 months. I'll be 14 weeks on Saturday, so I'm hoping there's a big change next week and that I feel way better!

We've been so housebound lately and it's so boring. I miss my horse and being at the barn. I think I'm going to try to get out by this weekend, the fresh air will probably do me good. Hopefully my horse is finally shedding out his raggedy winter coat, which would be a good sign that spring is finally here!

I'm so determined to change so many things about my riding ability, I wish I wasn't feeling so crummy so I could work on some things. Last night I watched the Buck Brannaman documentary with Stu and I loved it. What that man can do with a horse is magic. I'm a skeptic when it comes to the Parelli "way" to natural horsemanship, and I think it can be effective if it's in the right hands, but it feels to me like Parelli was just out to make a buck by commercializing all his products the way he has. Not to mention the videos that have gone viral at clinics of him doing things that can't really be explained by his "Parelli system". Buck is the real deal, I'd kill to go to one of his clinics. I know that Dusty isn't the one with the problems, I'm the one that made him how he is. I've learned so many valuable lessons over the years as his owner, but I think the biggest thing is that I should never underestimate him. All his bad habits and "problems" exist because of MY habits. I'm the one that needs to fix those habits before I can fix his. I can't wait for next year when I can hopefully really concentrate on getting on track with my riding. It'll be good to set goals for myself and have that time at the barn away from kids. Yay me time!

If I can make it to the barn on Saturday, I'll have to bring Gage. That may or may not be a complete nightmare. Wish me luck!

Here's a link to the trailer for the Buck documentary. Whether your a horse person or not, it's a great movie!