Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I've recently learned a valuable lesson. As a busy mom, I put my children before myself. When they are hungry, I make them food and most of the time forget to feed myself. By the time I remember, I end up eating my meal standing up or between feeding bites to the baby. Or over a nursing baby. When we go out somewhere, more often then not my children are clean, well dressed, clean diapers, bag of "baby stuff" is packed and I have my shopping list.... but am I ready? Nope! I've had a few close calls of *almost* walking out the door in my pajamas. Without brushing my hair (and usually, I don't care enough to run upstairs and brush it... inevitably THAT is when I see someone I know while out!) or brushing my teeth. I think so many mom's can relate.

The valuable lesson though, is that I NEED to take that time for myself. Sometimes I'm dead tired, but I still manage to brush my teeth, wash my face, put together an outfit (sometimes I don't even wear yoga pants!) and EVEN put makeup on. I always feel so much better for it.

Eventually, I learned to do even more for myself.

You know that feeling of relief, of "ahhhhhh, YES!" when you put your freshly bathed babes down for the night and they fall soundly asleep? Instead of watching TV and eating junk food, I sit on the floor and do some gentle stretching, yoga and pilates, followed by some deep breathing and something I discovered called The Tapping Solution (link to follow). Then I'd drink a green tea. Sometimes, depending on the day, a glass of good red wine. Sure, I'd be staying up a bit later, and all those things exerts more energy then what I used to do (lying on the couch eating junk food)... but you know what? I'd fall asleep faster, sleep sounder. I'd wake up feeling more refreshed. I smiled faster at my children and random strangers, and most importantly, I learned to let go of stress MUCH faster. I also have far more energy throughout the day then before.

It is perfectly natural to forget to care for yourself when you have children. There is nothing wrong with that. Children take up so much attention and it's easy to forget yourself as a priority. What I've discovered, is that I am a better mother (and wife!) when I make myself a priority. I'm happier, calmer, more patient and relaxed. It doesn't mean you have to stay up until 1am working out, meditating, painting your nails etc. It's just about finding the beauty in the doing the simple things ALONE. Take your time showering. Do a face mask before getting in the shower. Make yourself a special healthy snack. Meditate. Watch a girly movie. Drink a green tea. Whatever makes you happy! If you find it hard to remember, set the alarm on your phone. Put sticky notes on the mirror. Just do it! MAKE YOURSELF A PRIORITY!!!

Here is a link to a simple and quick guide to Tapping Out. It's really great for releasing stress and giving you a sense of calm after a hard and long day. http://gabbyb.tv/vlogging/how-to-reduce-stress

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Meat Party

A friend and I were talking recently about how difficult it can be as a veggie (either vegetarian or vegan) to go to parties. With or without kids, it can pose a challenge.

Typically if we get invited to a summer BBQ or birthday party, those that are our close friends plan on having veggie snacks there, and usually even have a few veggie burgers to throw on the grill for us.

But what about when Gage starts school in September and we delve into the world of being invited to kids parties? We have been invited to parties where we ended up not eating anything, and we unfortunately had to learn that some people just aren't accommodating and find our lifestyle to be "silly" and just don't give a shit about having food we can eat.

When I was pregnant with Finn, we had our gender revealing party at our house and all the food was vegan. People LOVED it. We didn't tell most of them it was vegan until after the party, and so many of them were surprised. I think my biggest problem right now is when we go to a kids birthday party and the cake is store bought and full of dairy and sugar. I want to let my children indulge sometimes (They will definitely be going out for Halloween!) but because they aren't used to eating so much sugar and dairy in one sitting... and poor quality dairy and sugar at that... it just overwhelms their system.

I'm lucky that we have a family of close friends that planned so thoughtfully for us to attend their son's party. The cake was dairy, egg and sugar free (and delicious!) and they had veggie burgers for us, that they not only made for us but also kept separate from the rest of the meat on the grill.

So how do you deal at a party? Make sure when you accept an invitation, whether it be online or in person, you ask them if there will be meat-free items (or whatever else your diet restricts) available for you to eat. If you don't know for sure about what will be there, eat before going. When it comes to a sit down meal with friends at someone's house, offer to help plan a veggie meal, or even help prepare it, just so you can feel comfortable about attending and give the host a break from trying to feed a veggie (not that it is REALLY that hard!)

Most of my closest friends now are transitioning to eating healthier (one of the perks of knowing me, I guess!) and this includes eating less meat, sugar, dairy and eggs.

Another challenge we've faced in the past, is when we have people over for a get together and they ask if we can have meat for them. The point being "if I have to make veggie dishes when you come to our parties, you should make meat for me when we come to your house!". My answer is no, no I don't. I can guarantee comfortably that whatever veggie meal I make for a party will taste as good as if not better then your average meat-filled meal. I also kind of think of it as if asking a person allergic to peanuts to have peanut butter at their party for those not allergic to it.

When it comes to Gage (and eventually Finn) attending birthday parties for kids at school, I plan on RSVP-ing and letting the parents know that they are veggie. While Gage is still at this age, I know parents usually attend the party with their child. By the time he is old enough to go without me, he will know himself to request meat free, sugar free, dairy free and egg free dishes.

Here is a link to a book on Amazon I plan on buying for my boys soon, I think it is a great idea to explain to them that we don't eat animals.
