Friday, January 11, 2013

Once Again....

I feel like this subject is going to be beat to death over my years as a SAHM.

While I know society has changed a bit and is slightly more accepting of mom's looking to stay home and raise their children instead of working, but I'm finding so much resistence still. Stuart and I got a car recently and while applying for the car loan, I was asked what I do for a living. I responded "I'm a stay at home mom" and was the man at the car dealership went "that's it? anything else?"

I am so very lucky that I have the chance to stay home with my kids. I can't imagine doing anything else. It is challenging, rewarding and exhausting. It is a full time job with no holidays, pay, or even bathroom breaks where I get to be ALONE. I absolutely 100% believe that my children will be better off for having me home with them. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't be a stay at home mom!

Since having children, I've become a different person in so many ways. I used to be shy and never imagined standing up for myself. I would rather walk away from a fight then stand up for what I believe in. Now, I'm an opinionated and extremely blunt bitch. Since giving birth to Finn I've become even worse.

I've mentioned before that my pregnancy with Finn seemed to be an eye opening experience when it came to who my real friends are and who I'm better off without. Because I'm opionated and blunt, I've become used to others disagreeing with my opinion. That is totally fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and they are certainly entitled to disagree with something I say. I'm used to it. Sadly, I've even become used to getting attacked for things I've said. I've developed a thick skin for it. What I am not used to, is not posting anything opionated and blunt, only to be attacked personally for no reason. By someone who doesn't even really know me. Because I'm a stay at home mom.

What's worse is everyone's ability to brush it all off.

If you wrong someone, the ADULT thing to do is apologize. That's the way I was raised. Grown ups realize the harm they've caused, man up and say "I'm sorry". Nothing good comes from brushing it under the rug, it just becomes the elephant in the room.

Apparently I'm one of the few that was raised this way.

I did learn that I have a friend that is fiercely loyal and will not stand to have a friend insulted or humiliated. Loyalty is a good trait to have and one that I value in others.

Once again, although I've previously listed this, if someone posts something on a social networking site that you don't agree with, don't read it. Don't comment. It really is that simple! Social Networking sites are for SHARING. It is inevitable that someone will post something you don't like.

"If only closed minds came with closed mouths".

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