Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Don't Prod the Prego!

This pregnancy has taught me so much about myself. The last 35 weeks have been full of so many events, large and not so large, that have been exhausting but rewarding. I'm not typically an optimistic person, and optimistic people generally annoy the hell out of me, but I've really needed some positivity this pregnancy.

I consider myself really blessed that my family and close friends are really supportive of our decision for a home birth. When we went to our Home Birth Info Night earlier in pregnancy that was put on by our midwives, we learned that some moms-to-be are not so lucky.

Then again, anyone that does disagree with our option to home birth, wouldn't really concern me. It's what suits us, what we both feel is best for us, and no one else can really have a strong enough opinion that will sway us. Anytime that a friend or acquaintance has raised a bit of concern, we calmly deal with it, and simply explain why we feel it is best for us.

That all being said, every single one of my friends (and family) knows I am strongly opinionated. I have strong morals and beliefs for myself and for how we are to raise our family and I'm not afraid of voicing those beliefs. I don't think that because they are beliefs they are the ONLY thing that is right, I just believe that it is right for my family. I have several friends who disagree with one thing or another, and we are still friends. It is just a matter of opinion, and our friendship is generally stronger then that opinion. Because of this, I have no problems posting something on a social networking site, for example an article about something I agree with, and having other people see my stance on that particular issue. It's general common sense, that if you don't like it, don't read it. If you disagree, and feel the need to comment and say so, I have no problems with that.... I enjoy a good conversation discussing the different sides/beliefs to something! I actually love a good "debate". I don't post information about something I believe in (or don't believe in, in some instances) just to piss people off or to offend people on purpose, and it generally annoys me when people take social networking sites so seriously. Any one of the people I have on facebook, or twitter, have the freedom to post whatever they wish, and not be attacked because of it. My best friend could post "I love meat, meat is awesome!" and I probably "like" the status just to be silly. I'm not going to attack her just because she loves meat. Or unfriend her. Or never talk to her again.

So many parents learn quickly that if you openly express how you feel about a two-sided issue, you better be prepared to put on your flame suit. I learned quickly after becoming a mom to Gage that if you scroll through some of the Community forums on Baby Center or The Bump, mom's can be brutally vicious about their beliefs. I recently read a forum where a mom started a thread looking for more information regarding not vaccinating her children and how to go about registering them for school and about 23 moms (I counted) ripped her to shreds over her decision to not vaccinate. I've also read the same about a mom who after having a hard time breastfeeding her newborn baby, decided to feed formula from a bottle and instead of getting support for her hard and guilt-ridden decision, she was also ripped to shreds.

While a Community Board is much different from a social networking site where generally you ONLY have friends, I strongly believe (haha) that both should be supportive for mom's. As a new mom to Gage, I was terrified of posting on those boards with my breastfeeding issues, and instead of posting online trying to find some support, I just bottlefed him formula. I know there must be other mom's out there that feel the same.

I hate to lose a friend for any reason, but even more so just because they don't "like" my opinion about something I believe in. Or that I posted that belief on a social networking site. The way I see it all, is if someone is so easily offended by my belief in something to stop being my friend, then they must not have been a valuable friend in the first place!

So just to clarify:

I believe in breastfeeding as long as possible.
I believe in raising my family eating a vegetarian diet, and would love to transition to veganism.
I believe in being a stay at home mom to my children, until they are in school, to ensure that they get everything they need for the best possible start in life... and only I can give them that.
I believe that if you don't like something in your life, only you have the power to change it.
I believe in rescuing/adopting pets instead of purchasing from a pet store or breeder
I believe that IF YOU GET A DOG OR CAT, YOU SHOULD SPAY OR NEUTER THEM!! Can't afford it? DON'T GET THE DOG OR CAT IN THE FIRST PLACE! (Last 2 unrelated, I know, but I couldn't resist).

And lastly, but certainly not least, I do not believe in circumcision and will not circumcise my sons.

*Puts flame suit on*

Feel free to flame away! :)

1 comment:

  1. It is sad that people feel the need to "flame" others just because their opinions differ. For me I don't really care what others do. Would I breastfeed my child into their toddler years? No way! But hey, to each their own!
