Thursday, August 9, 2012

Pee and Poop

The title of this blog can only be gross to those without children. Lol. There are so many silly words kids use to refer to "pee" and "poop" and they always make me laugh.

As I previously posted, we were using our long weekend to dedicate our time to potty training Gage. Things were such a success! He surprised both Stuart and I by leaps and bounds! He had a few little accidents, that he usually made one his way to the potty anyways, but by the end of the day he would tell us that he had to use the potty. Tuesday morning Stu went back to work, and Gage woke up and came into my room to have a morning snuggle and watch some cartoons and his diaper he wore overnight was completely dry! He then asked me (while still wearing his diaper) if he could pee-pee on the potty. Then he had his morning pee on the potty! Now it is Thursday and he`s been dry every morning getting up this week, and has had his morning pee on the potty each morning before breakfast. He even tells me when he has to pee, and needs no reminding. He poops on the potty too (yay!) but he gets a little scared and ends up sitting on the potty 10 times before actually pooping. He's getting better with it in a matter of days! I'm so proud of him!

We went to my parents house Tuesday for dinner, and my dad watched Gage while my mom and I went shopping and he peed on my parents toilet and even pooped. He's growing so fast! I can't believe it's been 2 1/2 years already since he was this not-so-tiny newborn. Not to mention that I'm going to have another one in less then 2 months!

I'm so relieved that we were able to do this before the new baby arrives. I knew it would be hard and one more thing I need to do during the day while prego, but I figured that if we waited until the baby was born, it would get harder to potty train Gage while also trying to take care of a newborn. I was determined to have Gage potty trained before he was 3 years old. Stuart has a daughter from a previous relationship (I believe I've mentioned her before) that we have at our house on weekends. She first started coming to us over night when she was 3 1/2 years old, and she was still wearing diapers. She wasn't fully potty trained without any accidents until she was almost 6, and even now at 7 she has the occasional accident. I know a lot of that had to do with lack of consistency and she was adjusting to living in 2 homes, but there was a while there that she had UTI's and bladder infections back to back, over and over. I just didn't want things to go so late for Gage and his potty training journey!

This weekend, the barn where I board Dusty is having their monthly schooling show. Riders of all ages trailer their horses in to compete in some low level classes, mostly just for practice and for fun. I've been going to each show all summer to help out with the "admin" duties and having a BLAST. I don't get to see Dusty as much as I would like (which I feel so guilty about, even though I'm sure he doesn't mind!) and it gives me an excuse to go to the barn and visit with all my friends and spoil my Dusty with loads of treats. This weekend Stuart is coming with me (my parents are babysitting Gage) to be my errand boy. I almost wasn't going to go, because it's a LONG day and the last few shows have been so hot. But Stu coming along means he can grab me drinks and make me take breaks. I'm determined to make a country boy out of a city boy! I'm *almost* there! I'm excited to spend the day with 2 of my favourite men! (Can you guess which one is my #1?!?)

Lets keep our fingers crossed he doesn't find the whole thing too boring!

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