Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Up and Down

I am currently 30 weeks pregnant and just now having all the emotions hit me like a ton of bricks. I swear I could cry at the drop of a hat, at anything, and then literally 10 minutes later I'm laughing. It's like I'm bi-polar! My poor husband that has to try and keep up with it all!

I think a lot of what started it all, has been the events of the last 2 weeks. This week in particular is a hard one, because Stuart ended up going away for the week to another city to work. He did this a lot last summer, and while it's hard and Gage and I miss him, we managed. This time around because of this pregnancy being so hard on my body, I'm finding it especially hard. Everyday tasks seem HUGE to me, and I have to push myself just to do bare minimums around the house and make sure Gage is fed, clean and happy. By the end of the day, I'm exhausted, but can't sleep because of all the silly pregnancy aches and pains.

This coming weekend we are hoping to use the long weekend to our advantage and start on the journey of potty training Gage! I'm excited, but I know it's not going to be easy. He's shown several signs that he's ready, but he still seems a little reluctant. We are hoping to just use a lot of positive reinforcement to get him going. We'll have him in undies for 3 full days, and just constantly ask him to sit on the potty. When he sits on the potty, goes pee or poop on the potty, he gets a sticker on his chart. I know diapers are actually probably easier for me during the day, because it just takes changing him, whereas if he's potty trained, we have to do the dash to the potty to go. But I think it will be way easier when this baby arrives to only have one baby in diapers. We are also using Cloth Diapers for this new baby, so by potty training Gage before the baby's arrival, it means we won't be buying ANY. I can't wait!

I feel like I'm so thinly spread and everyone wants a piece and I can't please everyone all the time. I've been concentrating on just being a good mama to Gage and keeping his life as normal as possible, and making sure he doens't see all my crazy emotions (he's such a senstitive guy, he gets upset when I'm upset) but it's all just starting to take it's toll. I have an amazing husband, who stands in as not only my husband, but as my best friend. But I just need a girl friend, who will sit and have a tea and let me vent about shit. This week is going to be especially hard without that.

I can't wait until Friday when Stuart comes home!

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