Friday, May 10, 2013

Support System

Having a positive support system is really important. While I've had ups and downs in the last year and learned who my real friends are, I've also been so lucky to have such supportive people in my life. I have parents that stand behind all my endeavors 100% and never waiver in their loyalty, and a really really really supportive husband. I'm so lucky!

I also have 4 friends I'm going to humiliate by mentioning.

These 4 ladies check in on me when I'm alone all week while Stu is away for work, cheer me up with jokes and offer empathy when needed. They also offer amazing advice and wisdom. They are forever motivating and inspiring me to be a better person.

First off, is Ricky Bobby (which is what Gage calls her, not her real name). She's the older sister of an ex-boyfriend of mine, and while that should be weird and awkward, it usually isn't. Her whole family is full of the most incredibly loving people. Long after her brother and I split, I'm still welcome in their home, with my husband and kids, and invited to social gatherings. Gage is best friends with her son, and watching them grow together is so much fun. I don't think I would have made it through my first pregnancy without Ricky Bobby, and even though at the time she lived 2 provinces away from me, we texted all day every day. She's hilarious, awesome at cheering me up, and I can 100% of the time expect at least a "that really sucks" from her when I'm having a shitty day. She lets me rant to her about silly things, and swear a lot, and we both vent about "bad mommy days". She is hands down one of the best listeners ever. If I have a bad day, or if anything happens and I need someone, I know I could call her and she'd be there within minutes. With wine.

Second is Stacy. Her and I have known each other for years, and it first started with horses. Long before kids, I boarded Dusty at the barn she and her fiance (now husband) were running. My first impression of her was this beautiful bubbly blonde that literally has everything in the best way possible. She's positive ALL the time, loves everyone with all her heart, is an awesome riding coach that can convince you to do the hardest things on horseback while saying "please", and is such a good friend. I was lucky enough to attend her wedding back when I still boarded Dusty at her place, and it is hands down the best wedding I've ever attended. Her husband is hilarious, and together they are two of my favourite people ever. Stacy had her first son the same year I had Gage, and was pregnant when I told her I was pregnant (she was one of the first people I told and her first reaction was to GIGGLE). She has helped me with motherhood more then she could ever know. She now has 1 year old twins, and is such an inspiration as a mother, as a horseperson and overall as a person. I can go to her house and our kids will play while we talk all day about horses and kids. She always says the stuff everyone is thinking but hasn't said yet, she's the most hilarious drunk I've ever met, and always the life and center of every get-together/party. If Stacy attends your party, then you know it will be a good one. She came and sat up late with me shortly after I had Finn and talked to me because I was having such a hard time breastfeeding. She's definitely one of a kind.

Third is Fiona. Fiona has been mentioned on here before, and we originally know each other from work. I was working for a cable company as a customer service rep, while she was a supervisor at the head office. We've never met in person, but she has become such an incredible friend. She is in the same Nutrition school that I am, just a bit ahead of me. She was who told me about the program and encouraged me to do it. She is so wise, and whenever I'm having a bad day can offer advice that always cheers me up and make me feel like my world isn't crashing down. She motivates me to live a happier life and to chase my dreams. We keep saying we wish we lived closer (really, it IS only an hour or so separating us!). When I have a problem that I can't quite work out myself, I go to her. She recently taught me the power of forgiving those that have wronged me, and how damaging holding onto a grudge and the anger really is. She is the beginning of my journey since starting IIN, and I'm so lucky to have her there throughout as well.

Fourth is my newest friend, Haley. We both attend IIN. There seemed to be some kind of fate that brought us together, we connected on our facebook group for school and added one another as friends. We are so much alike, I'm pretty sure we were sisters in another life. She lives across the country in British Columbia. We both love animals, gardening and health. We are so like minded, it's a little scary! There hasn't been anything yet we don't have in common. We are both what we have named "canaries" and have both had the unfortunate experience of being friends with others that just don't "get it". Or us. But that is all okay now, because we found each other! While Stu was away for work last week, she took time out of her crazy busy day with her 2 kids and messaged me asking how I was. It was so nice to know someone was thinking about me, and took the time to make sure I was okay. While our friendship is new, I've learned that she is so much stronger then she thinks she is and capable of anything she puts her mind to. During our Live Conference we live streamed for school last weekend, we messaged each other whenever something inspiring struck us. I'm so excited for the future with this friend, and having her by my side on our IIN journey!

Each of these people has shaped me and helped me throughout ups and downs in my life. I feel so lucky to have each and every one of them, more then any of them could ever know. The friendships with these ladies is something I value very much, and with each of them by my side I feel like I can absolutely accomplish anything! I owe each one of you so much, and hope one day I can do the same for you like you have for me.

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