Thursday, October 18, 2012

Like a Weed....

Finn is growing like a weed! It makes me so sad already, I love the teeny tiny newborn stage. I've already had to put away clothes he's grown out of.

Stu is away for work again this week, which was unexpected and has made for a very difficult week. He's been away from Finn longer then he's been alive. We weren't anticipating that he'd have to go away 2 weeks in a row, or at all, so soon after Finn was born. I don't know how single mom's do it, my hat is off to them, I certainly couldn't do this 24/7 and stay sane.

Gage has been so hilarious with my breastfeeding Finn. He asks so many questions, and I've done my best to answer honestly. It's perfectly natural and I want him to see it that way too. We have been going out for a walk every day and then we play outside, and last week he stepped on a cricket (the kid is just BRUTAL to bugs!) and it wasn't completely dead, just half-squished. He turned to me in a panic and YELLED, "Mommy! I need your booby, quick! I have to give the bug milk to make him feel better!". I almost peed myself laughing. The things kids say! That quote will absolutely be re-told at his wedding. I'm never letting him live it down.

Breastfeeding this time around with Finn has been more of a challenge then with Gage. With Gage, my biggest struggle was sitting up to nurse because I had such a difficult recovery. We were inexperienced, so it took a bit to figure out the latch, etc, but it wasn't so bad. This time around, Finn has had a hard time figuring out a good latch. He has a tiny little jaw line and mouth, so even with opening his mouth wide and rooting, he tends to only get the nipple. It's made for some painful feedings! He's getting better, I've just found that every other night he wants to be awake and nurse all night, and the rest of the time he's up every 2 hours, on the dot, and falls asleep as soon as he's finished nursing. I'm taking it all one feeding at a time, in order to make it through. I've also found a lot of support from friends that have been in my spot before and have really helped me feel like I'm not alone and that things will get better. It has taken a lot of perserverance, and it makes me sad how so many mom's, especially first time mom's, find it so easy to give up and go to bottle feeding with formula. Breastfeeding is NOT easy. I was that first time mom that after a hard night, went and made a bottle with one of the many cans of formula I'd received in the mail for free and then there was no turning back once I had. This time around there is no formula in the house, and no bottles. I'm really determined to do it this time around, because I know it gets easier and then both Finn and I will really enjoy the bonding experience that I feel I missed out with Gage.

To all the breastfeeding mom's out there that are struggling, hang in there!

I wish I could post more but someone is waking up hungry, so duty calls!

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