Monday, October 29, 2012


The week of Halloween is finally here! Gage has been wearing his fireman costume non-stop since he got it, to the point of me having to hide it because I was worried he would ruin it before trick-or-treating! He's so excited to go out for candy, I'm so sad that there is going to be a storm. I hope by the time he is ready to go out the weather is not so bad, it's not like he'll be hitting up the streets for hours! I think he'll barely finish our street before getting too tired.

Last weekend we took the kids to the barn, so I could see Dusty and so Finn could meet his 4 legged big brother. Gage met Dusty for the first time when he was 3 weeks old, so I thought it fitting that Finn meet him while also 3 weeks old. When Dusty met Gage for the first time, it was something I'll never forget. It was the same this time with Finn as well. Both memories will be something I remember when I'm old and gray. It's the sweetest thing watching him (as in Dusty) curiously snuffle such a small little baby. He even pulled the blankets down off Finn really gently so he could "see" him better. He loves Gage now that he's old enough to interact with him, he tickles him with his whiskers and makes him laugh, and Gage rode Dusty all by himself. I just have to walk slowly in front of Dusty and he follows me wherever I go, but Gage got a huge kick out of it! He kept saying, "look mom! I'm riding a horse!". Dusty is just so good and gentle with kids. I love watching how he is with my own children.

I even rode too, only 3 weeks after giving birth! I was really proud of that fact, because it was a good 8 weeks before I rode after having Gage. I felt so light and relaxed riding, and Dusty seemed to feel that and enjoy the ride too. We just toodled around and did some light work in each direction.

I can't wait until I'll be able to start doing some lessons on him, not only will it be nice to be able to leave the kids at home, but I'm looking forward to being able to ride Dusty properly for the first time.... ever? We have so many bad habits and kinks to work out. I'm excited to start our journey together, as hard as it may be. Too many people underestimate him (and me I think too!) just simply because he's so quiet and well behaved. It will be so fun to show our stuff! I know we can do it.

I'll make sure we take pictures and post our progress. I found some great support from people on a forum I've frequented for years and lots of people telling us to go for it and keep them updated. It's nice to feel so supported, I feel like everyonce else just laughs at us!

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